Informed Consent Forms
Breast Augmentation Consent Forms
Implants used in breast augmentation are produced from chemically harmless, non-cancerous and easily obtainable polymer-based materials. Modern breast prostheses consist of medical-grade gel silicone (polydimethylsiloxane) placed in a sheath that also consists mainly of medical-grade silicone.
Liposuction Consent Form
Liposuction is a combination of the words ”lipos=fat“ and ”suction=sucking“ and means”sucking fat with a vacuum”. It is a technique of extracting fat under the skin in various parts of the body by sucking it out through specially designed cannulas connected to a vacuum pump.
Rhinoplasty Consent Form
The nose is a very important organ located at the center of the face, both in terms of appearance and respiration. Rhinoplasty is a procedure that changes the shape of the nose and by extension, the whole appearance of the face.
Abdominoplasty Consent Form
Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure in which excess fat and sagging skin in the middle and lower abdomen are removed and the abdominal muscles are stretched and strengthened. The aim is to achieve a flatter and tighter abdominal appearance.